Beehives, teddy bear, kitten, Christmas candles 9 pcs

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      Out of Stock

      Canapé skewers

      Quantity :

      Recipe for canapés:
      Layer slices of salami and cheese on top of each other. Using the sharp edge at the bottom of a cookie cutter, first cut out a slice of bread and then cut out the layered slices of salami and cheese. Pierce an olive, paprika, etc. onto a toothpick and decorate it this way. Insert the decorated toothpick into the cookie cutter with the cut-out ingredients. Press down the content of the cookie cutter, including the toothpick, with a piston and you have a decorated mosaic canapé. You can also prepare fruit canapés with pineapple, melon, etc. using the cookie cutter.

      Press the cookie cutter into unbaked dough (e.g. for wasp nests), hollow out a hole with the reversed end of a spoon, fill it with egg yolk filling, and press out the entire content onto a sponge cake. Create a candle flame from a peeled almond and decorate the "candles" with a protein glaze using Gingerbread Decorating Icing.


      Data sheet

      Number of pieces:

      Beehives, teddy bear, kitten, Christmas candles 9 pcs

      Tax included